(1) Metcalfe ≈ exp(-2.662352 + 1.08e-07*N + 5.21e-07*C)Using a little algebra, first we set the Metcalfe value to $1000000, and then solve for the number of bitcoins in circulation (which happily reduces to a function of the number of wallets).
The function is calculated as:
(2) No. bitcoins ≈ 0.207294*(1.52573*10^8 - no. wallets)
Substituting (2) back into (1) and solving for no. wallets, will give us a function that describes the number of users required on the network to support a value of $1000000.
(3) 1000000 ≈ exp(-2.662352 + 1.08e-07*N + 5.21e-07*0.207294* (1.52573*10^8 - N)) N ≈ 2.75803*10^8 |
What this indicates is that there will need to be around two hundred and seventy-five million wallets to support a Metcalfe value of $1000000. This does not seem impossible, nor even remotely unreasonable.
For example, displayed in the figure below is the current number of wallet users from blockchain.info:
Figure 1: Current wallet numbers. around a 10x increase will put the bitcoin Metcalfe value at $1000,000 |
A 10x (11.36 to be precise) increase in wallet users will result in a Metcalfe value of $1000000, and as has been established previously, the Metcalfe value is a strong support line for the bitcoin value.
Now that we have a target established, we can work on trying to magic 8 ball the number of users. The chart in figure 1 looks vaguely linear, so I will perform a linear regression on the number of users against date. All data is sourced from blockchain.info.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Table 1: Wallet data has been normalised against the number of months available for a given year.
The maximum number of wallets was taken for each year. Upon inspection, a 4th root transformation
target has been identified for the regression.
. regress throotnormalisednumberofwallets year
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 8
-------------+---------------------------------- F(1, 6) = 250.14
Model | 5267.39179 1 5267.39179 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 126.344853 6 21.0574755 R-squared = 0.9766
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.9727
Total | 5393.73665 7 770.533807 Root MSE = 4.5888
throotnorm~s | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
year | 11.19884 .7080738 15.82 0.000 9.466249 12.93144
_cons | -22514.83 1426.416 -15.78 0.000 -26005.15 -19024.52
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 8
-------------+---------------------------------- F(1, 6) = 250.14
Model | 5267.39179 1 5267.39179 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 126.344853 6 21.0574755 R-squared = 0.9766
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.9727
Total | 5393.73665 7 770.533807 Root MSE = 4.5888
throotnorm~s | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
year | 11.19884 .7080738 15.82 0.000 9.466249 12.93144
_cons | -22514.83 1426.416 -15.78 0.000 -26005.15 -19024.52
This gives us the regression equation for the number of wallets based on year.
The equation is therefore:
(4) Number of Wallets = (11.19884 * year - 22514.83)^4
So how many wallets will there be in 2020? Well if the equation in 3 is to be believed, there will be around 130 million. 130 million wallets substituting back into (3) we have a bitcoin Metcalfe value of around $1000000. Looks like McAfee may have to go hungry.
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